Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The 29 best things about breaking my leg

So I'm trying to be as positive as I can about breaking my leg and having surgery (broke left leg in 3 places, 2 bones-Tibia & Fibula, foot was no longer attached by bone to the rest of my leg, got 10 screws & a plate in it now). But it has been really hard to stay positive, since I've been in so much pain, so I started making a list of the good things that have come out of my injury:
  1. It's a breakfast (lunch & dinner) in bed day, everyday!
  2. My hopscotch skills are infinitely improving, I can go from the downstairs living room all the way to my room on the second floor hopping on one foot.
  3. Guiltless ice cream eating.
  4. When I flew home for my surgery, a man at the airport overheard me asking where I could get some water. Five minutes later, the man brought me a bottled water he bought for me. So sweet. Just another reminder that PEOPLE ARE GOOD.
  5. I feel more compassionate and empathetic towards people with long-term serious illnesses or chronic pain. I can't imagine what they go through.
  6. I have been working out more because I'm so bored, but I now have a great excuse for skipping cardio!
  7. Endless time to read and catch up on TV shows. Just watched all four seasons of Felicity (OMG, how hottttt is Ben AKA Scott Speedman circa 1999?!?!! Totally drool-worthy). And reading is quite possibly my favorite thing to do. LOVELOVELOVE Dan Brown & Michael Chrichton.
  8. Due to the fact that I wake up super early in pain, I've gotten to enjoy watching the sun rise so many times over the past few weeks.
  9. Quality time with Miss Sadie Lou Who (our golden retriever).
  10. Although I was in extreme pain for my first week of recovery, my second week of recovery was way better than when I broke my right leg and got a titanium rod in it.
  11. I've been reconnecting with old friends.
  12. I get to ride in electric carts at Target (although I did embarrassingly hit several racks/signs and lots of people laughed at me while I laughed at myself).
  13. My right quad is a freakin rock again all of a sudden (I can get up from the ground on just my one leg).
  14. I don't have to change into my PJs at night... because I wear them all day!
  15. I just started working on my little brother's "Help Can Cancer" campaign and trying to get more schools and Sororities and Fraternities to join, hoping to get another 10K+ for cancer care in Maine in the next year.
  16. I've realized I should appreciate my mobility and health more. It sucked REALLY bad to barely be able to stand getting out of bed for trips to the bathroom.
  17. People get up to give me the good seats at sports games, hehe.
  18. I don't feel bad if I don't shower everyday since it is such a pain in the ass/kind of dangerous. Plus, I only have to shave one leg for the next two months.
  19. I'm getting mentally and physically tougher.
  20. I get to spend a month and a half (and possibly four months) in Maine.
  21. I'm actually using my paid sick time (last year, I only used one day).
  22. I have more time to blog.
  23. I've gone to more sports games in the past week than I have in the past year since it's a fun activity to do while sitting (woop woop, U-Maine & Hampden Academy!!).
  24. I take long baths and actually relax because I have nothing else to do (I wrap up my cast in a trash bag).
  25. I got to feel like a kid again and be pampered by my wonderful mom & dad.
  26. I don't have to call "bucket seat" when I get in the car with my brothers.
  27. I got lots of flowers, packages, and cards from friends & family (thank you!).
  28. The best seat on the couch is permanently reserved for me.
  29. I got to go straight to the front of the security line at the airport and board the plane first when I flew home for my surgery.
To be continued....

Saturday, February 18, 2012

One of my all-time favorite music videos

Pearl Jam is one of my favorite bands (best concert of my life), and "Just Breathe," is one of my favorite songs by them. I LOVE this unofficial music video that Pretty Monkey Studio made for the song. They took clips from a hugely popular Swedish movie made in the 1970s, about two 14-year olds falling in love.


My favorite moment is at 1:39.
Favorite lyrics "I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love. Some folks just have one, yeah, others they have none. Stay with me, let's just breathe"

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Tale of Two Cities

I was recently reading Chicken Soup For the Woman's Soul (I've been in bed from a broken leg for two weeks straight, and I'm bored out of my mind, don't make fun of me!!), and I came across this story that I thought I'd share...

A traveler nearing a great city asked a woman seated by the wayside, "what are the people like in this city?"

"How were the people where you came from?"

"A terrible lot," the traveler responded. "Mean, untrustworthy, detestable in all respects."

"Ah," said the woman, "you will find them the same in the city ahead."

Scarcely was the first traveler gone when another one stopped and also inquired about the people in the city before him. Again the old woman asked about the people in the place the traveler had left.

"They were fine people; honest, industrious, and generous to a fault. I was sorry to leave," declared the traveler.

Responded the wise woman: "So you will find them in the city ahead."

From The Best of Bits and Pieces

Thursday, February 2, 2012

This will make you smile.

This video is hilarious. Can't help but laugh when you hear a grown man (and marine) scream like a little girl. Also, I'm obsessed with scary rides, and this one looks awesome!

My favorite moment is at :47.