Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Last Saturday, Nikola and I went to the Pink Elephant Party. We got there around 10pm, but when we got there it was semi sketchy, and we saw signs on the same road for Yarmony Grass Festival. So instead of settling on a night at State Bridge, we decided to drive the 3 miles down the dirt road to checkout Yarmony. When we arrived at Yarmony, we saw a field of tents and stages in a valley next to a river.

We went to the ticket booth and asked about tickets and camping... That's when the good things started happening. We got hooked up with FREE camping & parking and super discounted tickets (even though camping was sold out and parking was full). It didn't hurt that the ticket guy lead us in a golf cart to the best parking spot/camp site! WOOP WOOP. We set up camp in the middle of a group of ridiculous hippie boys. We ended up dancing the night away to amazing live musicians

THEN on the drive home, about 30 minutes after I left the festival, a random car sped by me, with everyone in the car looking at me. A minute later the car pulled over to the side of the road and the passengers signaled for me to pull over. Then, the driver came out of the car, and goes "Are you Annaliese Lafayette?," Turns out, the driver had been asked if they knew me at the concert, because the ticket guy who'd hooked me up the night before had found my wallet and was asking around to try to find me. The driver had noticed my plates and Cornell bumper sticker (there was a maine id and cornell id in my wallet), so she pulled me over to tell me I'd lost my ID. I went back and got my wallet, which basically made my life about 100x better this week, since I don't have to cancel my cards, get a new id, etc.

I Love Colorado.

camping out

trancident @ yarmony

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Beautiful Drives

Ashley came to visit, and as usual, we had a super fun time. On her first night in town, we drove through the canyons to Glenwood Springs-- it was outrageously gorgeous. We got lost in Glenwood literally 5 times in a row, but it was OK because we laughed the whole time (plus we got fast food).

On Saturday, we drove from Vail to Steamboat Springs. The drive was beautiful. When we got there, we went to the Strawberry Hot Springs. There were several different pools, and their temperatures range from freezing cold to really hot. So amazing!

ash at the springs
strawberry hot springs
pretty horses we saw on the drive